All I wanted to see was a badger. We did see a few (3 stuffed and 6 road kill) but none alive. We were very excited to see a bumblebee up close. Aren't they cute? Everyone probably thought us mad taking photos of one. One question, do they sting? They must pack a punch if they do!
The eagle owls were huge at the South of England Rare Breeds Farm in Kent.
We saw the tiniest baby guinea pig at the farm too. The kids and I entered the farm animal pen straight after where two small kids (baby goats) had their heads stuck in the fence. Poppy set them free where upon they decided that our jeans were great to nibble on and bite us on the bum.
The rhino at the Port Lympne Safari Park sprayed Mr T and the kids as they got too close to the fence..hehe
We watched the squirrels at Chester for ages and saw one dig a little hole and bury his nut...awwww.
Thanks for the welcome back and your lovely comments. I will be visiting your blogs soon, pinky swear!

Hi Tam - we only ever seem to see dead badgers these days and hedgehogs too. My litle man is desperate to see a live hedgehog. The bumble bee certainly does sting but only in defence or if harmed. The honey bee has a barbed stinger that is left in your skin and then the bee dies but the bumble bees stinger is not barbed and so it can sting more than once. Although some people can have quite a severe allergic reaction most people just have a sore, red swelling. I didn't realise that you don't have them in Oz! The squirrels may look cute but they are vermin and do a lot of damage as we found out when they decided to nest in our lost space! M x
This so beats my trip to Dubbo xx Ava ( Good to have you back ! )
That bumble bee is awesome, he looks so fluffy!
Welcome home Tam, glad you had a great time. I trod on a bumble bee when I was 6, I have such a vivid memory, of it hurting like hell, my Grandad picking me up and putting me in his kitchen sink, and washing my foot in vinegar, I can even smell the smell!. I cried alot not because of the pain but I knew I killed the bee. I have a deep fondness for bees xx
I love what Fading Grace has just said about feeling sad because she killed a bee. How sweet.
I can't believe how furry they are either. I'm sorry you didn't get to see a badger Tam, do you like them so much because of The Wind and the Willows?
Ciao Tamara,come va?Adoro lo scoiattolo!Baci,Rosetta
Great photos - love the little squirrel and the baby guinea pig is just so cute!
Liz @ Shortbread & Ginger
Hi Tamara. Che meraviglia questi piccoli animali, sono i miei preferiti!!
Un caro saluto, *Maristella*.
Hello found you via Fading Grace. Don't you have bees in Australia. I never knew that. I have only seen badgers dead too. Sad. We do have hedgehogs in our area though and they can often be spotted trotting down the road - they move really quickly.
I love the owl and that cute little squirrel!
Ps. I would love it if you could scan that article on NY for me!
My email is:
What an awesome post...the bumble bee looks just like a pompom and the owl pic is did you get so close.It's been great to have a giggle thanks Tam, l've soo missed your UMA while you were away,
glad to see your up and running again such a shame we didn't get together, I would love to see your pics.
I wondered if you would find a £ shop. We went shopping last weekend to a local town and found a £ shop, a 99p store, a 99p mart and a £ land all close to one another crazy.
will send an E Mail soon
Cate x
Lovely to hear of your experiences seeing different animals. I saw an Eagle owl for the first time this summer and I was totally amazed! Lizzie
I would have wanted to see a wonderful badger too! Nice to read about your encounters with all these other wonderful animals Tam! Enjoy your week! xo
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