Great news today. I had my followup xray this morning. The tumor is all gone and the bones are healing well. I also had an enlarged pisiform bone which I had feared to be an enchondroma as well, but the all clear has been given on that too.
I don't have a diamond plate in my is a painting on the wall behind the xray when I took the photo...hehe
Back with some pizza oven updates and some other things soon! Have a great night.

Tamara Love that is FANFREAKINTASTIC news....I BET that's a load off your mind.... :o) !!
If I were closer I'd pop over for a glass of wine to celebrate the GREAT news....Instead, I'll raise my glass & TOAST to your good health....!!
Sweet Dreams my Friend....!
Tamarah xx
I'm SO glad about your all-clear news!! That's fabulous and I know how relieved you must feel!
I must have missed something along the way Tamara, (sorry!), but I'm very happy that today's post is all good.
...I think there are possibilities for x-ray art photos - I'm rather intrigued by the image!
Hi Tamara...sono felicissima per te!!!! Io ti abbraccio forte!!
Qui in Italia oggi è la festa della donna (Women's Day) ed io ti auguro ogni felicità! Un caro saluto, *Maristella*.
Really good news for you,and must be such a relief. Congratulations!
Pam x
Great news
Cate x
Great to hear Tam what a relief for you.That xray looks interesting tho with the diamond plate lol
hi Tamara, I didnt know of your problems, but good good news! I am very happy for you.
Excellent Tamara! Yes, I was wondering rather about the interesting shape on the xray : ) As Tamarah says it would indeed be great to all get together for a celebration drink....that's if she could take her hands off the hard rubbish for long enough ha ha...have a light & floating good news weekend! Much love Catherine x
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