Below are the few bits and bobs I picked up over the last week or two at the op shop and YMCA sale. Some will be heading to my etsy store. I am also thinking of having a vintage garage/yard sale when the weather improves, maybe at the end of August, although I tend to give things away for free or a bundle for $1. Our sheds are still full, so this may be the way to go.
Have a safe and enjoyable long weekend. I can hear the traffic humming by, half of Canberra must be heading to the coast to escape the cold weather. Enjoy!

It's great to see you've posted Tam...sorry to hear about the back muscle though, l hope it's on the mend. Love your vintage finds, especially the pottery jug, and the wire world...what terrific pickups.Would love to be able to visit one of YOUR yard sales, bargains galore!!
Glad your eyes are better not a nice thing to have,Must send me an invite to your sale lol I do love that world .
Hey Momma ,what great treasures. I'm glad your feeling better.....I'm going to try and go out tomorrow and find a bargain
Hi Tamara, quante belle cose hai trovato al Charity! Che fortunata sei ad abitare in un luogo così pieno di opportunità cigno è meraviglioso!!! Un abbraccio, *Maristella*.
oh Tam great finds, sorry about you being not so very well..that is not fun. Hope the weekend sees you much improved♥
Glad your feeling better. Isn't it amazing what a person can find thrifting!
You did good!!!
Chris :o)
What an interesting globe thingy ..! Hope your back is better soon.
Sure hope your back gets better really quick--you need to rest it!! Glad the pink eye is gone!! Hey, you find the coolest stuff--sure wish I could bop on over to one of your sales!
Glad your eyes are better but a bummer about your back, hope that gets better soon. Your finds are fabulous! Scarlett x
Wish I could come to your "yard sale". That's the only trouble with collecting & rescuing just have to have flow out again too!! Really like your swan. Don't know why I have quite a thing about swans..just love them. I have been looking out for metal "frogs" for my Anna, she is doing a weaving course & they use them to prepare the flax. Found a goodie at the Sallies this week. Amazing how soothing the old heat packs can be eh..hope they've done the trick & you're strarting to feel more least you can see where you're going now! Much love Catherine x
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