Hi treasure lovers near and far, I hope this post finds you all well.
I bought this little chap today, as I found him too cute to resist, with the full intention of selling him on. I showed him to Mr T when we got home and he said that I 'must not sell it!'. What? Looks like he will be taking up permanent residence with his new name Chicky Chook.
Have a good week!

He is way too cute not to keep
I'm in love, I think you should set him next to the coffee pot so he can be the first to greet you every morning!
He is just lovely. Look at those eyes!
Pam x
Such a sad little chap he needs a friend, you did say 3 starts a collection :)
Thinking of you, hope you get good news
Cate x
Ohhh you should see the big smile on my dial right now. How CUTE is he.....Do you know his eyes are just like the cat on Shrek...you know when he does his look. Hope that doesnt sound tooo mad, but your kids will know what l mean...
How could you sell him.....when he's looking at you like that with those big sad eyes!!!!!
Hey Tam...ya surprised me with a chuckle-bringer this morning. He's a hoot!
I think you might be haunted by those eyes if you ever give him away! Too cute......:).
Thanks for your sweet comment on my blog.....:)
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