My Lord...well, we did it! We survived India's first sleepover party. With 4 girls sleeping over (many for their first ever sleepover apart from family) it was a very interesting and tiring night! They were still talking when we went to sleep ~ 10:30, and were up at 5:30 while it was still dark.
Kade got his comeuppance though as the girls turned his light on while he was sleeping this morning and woke him up for a change. He is normally the one to wake everyone else up in the house. He was quite bleary eyed, so I had a good laugh.
There were a few moans and groans, most weren't even from me..haha. And a few girl fights, girls are soooo high maintenance!!!
And there was a lot of, 'Your house is very old, and your paintings...you should move!" and "why do you have all these old things" and 'it is all old and grubby"...we were counting down the hours for pickup (11:00am) although most parents were 1/2 hour late and the kids didn't want to go home.
We have come to the conclusion that boys are sooo much easier for a sleepover and Mr T has decided that we should never do it again...until next year..hahaha
India is very tired and emotional as I type and will be going to bed very soon! O.k.., now she is having a meltdown, gotta run! Bye.

What a great Mum you are!! Looks fantastic. Loved all the comments about the "old stuff" We used to get that too but what really used to freak them out was our dial telephone. Kids today don't know how to use them soo funny. Hope you have an early night too. xx Katherine
oh super Mummy and Daddy by the sounds of it. congratulatons! bet on Monday at school it will be all showing off how good they were at the sleep over! Any of those Mushroomy cakes left for me?? I love them (or did when I was little)and Musk Sticks tooooooooo.yum.♥
Brave brave woman!!I love the tea cup cakes I found that idea in a magazine and tore it out for one day
Oh my you blew me away what a fabulous decorated party...and treats!
I have to catch up i have started a new blog! missed ya!
Thanks everyone, you are all so sweet. The kids did manage to get to bed early after India's initial meltdown.
Hi Nelly, We found the idea in the magazine also, and online. They are so easy to make. We 'glued' each piece together with icing. Kade and I made them in about 5 minutes. You and your party guests will love them.
I cheated with the little mushrooms and filled them with can icing in a pre-made pastry case.
bye for now, Tam x
Oh boy poor you, I'm a pro at the sleep over thing, my two are 17 and 11 now! So glad they don't do sleep overs any more, much more civilized stuff! But glad she had a lovely party xx
Well done you! I liked the down to earth girly stuff in the invitation & adore the teacup cakes. Hope you don't mind I saved your picture? (labeled it as yours) be a good one to keep up my sleeve for my niece & it looks easy enough to do, now that I like! I am crap at cup cakes..too much work. Cheating's good, kids don't even mind. Hope India is having a good week being 7. Much love Catherine
Geez Tam, what an awesome Mum you are.. such a lot of effort there, and it looks so yummy my tummys rumbling. Glad you survived the sleepover..haha!! you can relax now til next year.
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