Mr T's Schoenhut clown has been clowning around it seems. I plonked him down on our desk last night (excuse the mess) when I was checking out the other clowns on this fab Schoenhut site. When I looked over today it seems he has been giving his legs a good workout...oooh that's gotta hurt.
You can see Mr T's other clowns in this post.

Ha! ...and this is why almost everyone in my family is clownaphobic - you never know what they are going pull!
@Gracie's CottageHahaha..thats so funny.
He's lovely!
Hi Tamara...molto particolare questo antico pagliaccio! Deve aver visto molte cose....un caro saluto, *Maristella*.
Ouch - I know I wouldn't be able to do that :)
Have a wonderful weekend Tamarah.
Pam x
Hi Tam Thanks so much for your offer just a scan would be great then I can photocopy, saves you parting with them.
I find him a bit scary :)
cate x
Ouch that reminds of two old ladies I used to know (I used to work in aged care part time) that were twins and they used to be dancers in Paris. When they were about 80 one of the sisters reckoned she could still do the splits, the other one kept going on that she couldn't so just to spite her sister she gave it a go....broken hip...not fun and to make matters worse the other sister kept saying "I told you so". Hope you have a lovely weekend, cheers Katherine
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