Today we were called over by our next door neighbours who has been clearing out an estate to have a look at a few tools and the like (I really should not have worn a white t-shirt!). We came home with a few new (and very dirty) treasures that you can see below.
Green wooden toolbox, vintage tin megaphone, creamy bucket, leather saddle bag, pump, garden tools...
Bits and bobs....
Vintage chisels, door locks, old leather dog muzzle...
I grabbed this tin for my sister, be it a bit ratty...aren't the graphics cool...
My chisels and scissors in an old cup...
A closer looks at the smalls. Can you see the metal tag at the bottom? It is marked No 396...
and on the back it is marked with the Coat of Arms of Canberra, dated 30th June 1945...its an old dog tag and my favourite find!
I've masses to share with you but I will leave it until after the new year. The pizza oven has been built and is in full swing, we received our box that we posted from the UK, found treasures aplenty, its all happening.
Please drive safe over the holidays, we have already had one fatal accident up the Kings Highway from us on Christmas Eve and then another head-on yesterday....another good reason not to be on the roads.