A little collection has now found its place; interesting little bits and bobs collected over time and cherished for years to come. The little cupboard picked up months ago from the tip has found a new use, a curio cabinet, holding the kids special treasures.
A little duckling, a skull picked up in a paddock, pig tusks, nests and eggs, coral, fossils, gemstones and keepsakes. Even a little piece of chalk from the White Cliffs of Dover.
I bought a little piece of meteorite at work for the kids. Apparently it is 4 billion years old. My work colleague was quite skeptical saying that it would cost well over $20,000 to buy a piece that size to analyse in the lab. I either got a great bargain or a cheap fake. I was willing to take the chance even though they didn't like the coprolite (dinosaur poo!) I bought them.
Penny press coins stamped around England sit in a little tin to bring back happy memories.
Little teeth, kindly left behind by the Tooth Fairy and safely dropped into little jars.
Wishes to all that pass this way, hello to new followers, old friends and new ones. May your weeks be well and your weekends even better! Bye for now, Tam x