I searched high and low last year looking for battery operated lights for Christmas and I finally found some plastic flowers ones in Kmart. Today while we were out and about we found these colour feather lights, 3.9 metres in length and battery operated for $9.99 at Go-Lo. I only bought one string but they are so pretty I might get some more tomorrow.

Christmas is in the air...its already getting late but it is way too hot to sleep. The kids are watching their first Christmas movie of the season, Disney's Prep and Landing...and the Mr is on a boys night out for a friend who is moving to Queensland next week. No doubt he will come home with ripped jeans. I kid you not he normally does! Somehow it always involves climbing over barbed wire fences or picking up a wig off the ground while riding a mini bike...they never grow up do they?
Have you started decorating for Christmas yet???