Hi treasure hunters near and far, hope this posts find you all well.
We didn't buy a lot during our travels to the UK, it was all too much trouble in the end. We did send a box home with a Georgian door knocker, a french plaque, a tiny dog and heaps of other things, but it is travelling by sea so I can't show you these yet.
Here are the little things that I carried back:

Bought at the Ardingly Antique Fair:
Bevelled glass French jewellery box with faded blue silk insert (I have wanted one for ages),
Ceramic Bulldog,
Victorian pink lustre teacup and saucer.
Found at the antique shop at Crewkerne:
doll head and pipe (in the bargain 1 pound box out the front of the shop),
2 small Victorian figurines,
wooden swallow.
Queen Victoria plaque was in a small antique shop at Avebury,
The Dresden girl (minus her finger tips) was bought at the Cheltenham Carboot,
and small three girl figurine was a birthday present from the kids :)

Victorian cherub plate (originally marked at 18 pounds) another item from the pound box at Crewkerne,
The sailing patch and postcard from Cheltenham Carboot,
Vintage character card set from Lyme Regis,
And the only Union Jack item that I bought was the egg cover at Dover Castle.

This guy was posted back and arrived safely after an inspection from Customs. We found him in a vintage shop at Chipping Norton, for only 10 pounds. We left the shop owner the frame, way too expensive and heavy to post.

On the way to Battle we passed an Antique store on the side of the road. I bought this Staffordshire flatback the first week and it travelled with us everywhere. It was quite inexpensive as the sheep at the front is repaired. I quite like the colours and the unusual scene.

After a trip to Blenheim castle we stopped in Woodstock to pick up some money. We wandered around the antique stores and I was admiring the chandeliers, although they were quite expensive. I popped into the charity shop next door and the lady had just put out 2 crystal dropped light shades/chandeliers. They had only come in that morning and were as black as pitch she said. The were prices at 12 pounds each. I was very happy.

Another purchase at the Lyme Regis antique shop. On the more expensive side, but I wanted to find a textile to bring home.
Below are the two things that we wanted to buy but had to leave behind.

The most fantastic cement gnome at Rye, way to heavy to sent.

I have wanted a French Wedding/Bridal stand (Globe de Mariée) for ages, but it was far too fragile to ship home. I am still on the lookout for one without the dome. This beauty was found at the
Station Antiques, Appledore, Kent.
Thanks for the birthday wishes, yep, there's no turning back now! Here is my birthday present from the
Micheal Kors Store in London. It is lightweight because of the clear acrylic band, and has crystal markers for the number, so pretty. I found a link which is offering them at a far cheaper price than we paid,

More to come whenever the postie arrives, hopefully before xmas. Talking about Christmas, can you believe it is soooo close?? Crikey!